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The Dragon Turn


Shane Peacock

Original Author:

Arthur Conan Doyle


Tundra Books


The Boy Sherlock Holmes

Release date:

October 2011

Main Characters

Sherlock, Irene, Beckie, Bell, Hemsworth, Riyah

The Boy Sherlock Holmes Series is a request to the Sherlock Holmes Books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This story (The Dragons Turn) is the fifth in the series, written by Shane Peacock and published by Tundra books.


Summer 1869, and Sherlock Holmes and his friend Irene celebrate her sixteenth birthday by attending the theater to watch a celebrated magician make a real dragon appear on stage. It is the London sensation. Sherlock and Irene meet the magician, Alistair Hemsworth – just as he is arrested for the murder of his rival, The Wizard of Nottingham.

It seems that traces of the missing Wizard’s blood and his spectacles were found in Hemsworth’s secret studio. Hemsworth has a motive: not only is the Wizard his rival, but he also caused a scandal when he lured Hemsworth’s wife away. But is Hemsworth guilty? Sherlock has his doubts, and soon, so does the reader.

With humor and plot turns as dizzying as a narrow London lane, Shane Peacock invites his readers into a fascinating world, and a fresh adventure with one of literature’s favorite characters. The Boy Sherlock Holmes series is an international success with readers and reviewers alike. Books Mystery
